
My husband n I faced some problems, he was doing unislamic actions which I disapproved of n he said it was because he was unhappy. We separated first and didn get an opportunity to resolve this matter, bedore he gave me 3talaaqs. I am completely shattered n broken because I wanted to have our marriage move forward. I can't face life anymore because I loved him n he really broke me when he divorced me. Will I be punished for this divorce? I feel very guilty n I can't move on with my life, I feel that life is too much to bear. I do as much ibaadat as I can, but I still feel miserable with myself, n have alot of regret, is there something I can read for this?


May Allah bless you with piety (Taqwa) and purity, strong Imaan, forgiveness of sins, have mercy on you, elevate your status, and bless you with knowledge of Deen and generosity. Ameen!

This life is a one-time opportunity to achieve everlasting happiness in the life hereafter. Allah Almighty is showering countless blessings upon us every day. Every moment has a great potential to achieve high-ranks in
the court of our Creator. Every minute is like a gold coin. The heart and tongue are gifts from Allah to earn millions of rewards (Hasanaat) for the Akhirah.

Let's view and ponder over this chart of good deeds
Every particle of the universe will be left behind, but every deed of a human being will be lifted for the life hereafter! Strong faith and good deeds bring peace and comfort in this life, peace in the grave and gardens
of Paradise in the hereafter. When people forget the purpose of life, many of them terminate their lives without hope. When the human being realizes the purpose of life, an ordinary person can become a means of spreading guidance to hundreds of thousands of people. There are diamonds, gold,
silver and pearls to be discovered inside human heart.

Paradise is a reality ' with rivers of milk and honey, palaces of gold and silver, delicious food and fruits, beautiful spouse, always happy, always young, always healthy ' a great kingdom for ever and ever for an unending
enjoyment and bliss. Compete with each other to strengthen faith and excel in good deeds and hasten to seize every fleeting moment and turn into gold by a productive activity; sow seeds today to reap a rich harvest tomorrow
and rush at the available opportunity before it is lost for good.

Only Allah knows what is beneficial for us. He is All Wise, All Merciful. Allah loves us more than seventy mothers do. Difficulties and trials can become a means of raising our status and earn countless reward. Allah says in the Qur'an: (interpretation of the meaning):

'..Truly the steadfast will be paid their recompense without
limit'[Az-Zumar, 10].

Abu Saeed Al-Khudri and Abu Hurairah (RA) narrate that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: Whenever a Muslim faces fatigue, illness, worry, grief, hurt and sorrow, even gets pricked by a thorn, Allah in lieu of his sufferings removes his sins.' (Bukhari)

"Our anxieties, depression and worries are all created because we first make the decisions and then expect Allah Ta'ala to conform; whereas what we plan and decide is subject to Allah Ta'ala's confirmation." ['Cure for
depression' by Shaykh Yunus Patel]

Islam is a complete way of life and offers a real solution to every problem. Here are some steps one may take to cure depression and laziness, insha Allah.

Love of Allah:
The human heart is the center of emotions and feelings. It dictates what it desires and works in collaboration with mind to act as a platform of good or evil. The human heart also has hidden treasures of matchless jewels. If found and applied, we can become beloved of Allah. Imagine a
believer (sister) who always remembers and seeks help from her Creator, praises Allah by her tongue, in her heart, expresses gratitude for His bounties, is patient in hardships. She supplicates in all earnestness and
always has good intentions.

Our real love should be for Allah. We love someone due to beauty and excellence, perfectness in knowledge and generosity, loving and caring treatment for us. If we look around and think about the blessings Almighty Allah is showering on us, we will love Him.

He is Allah, besides him there is no god, the All-Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. He is Allah, besides him there is no god, the King, the Holy, the One Free from all defects, the Giver of security, the Watcher over His creatures, the
All-Mighty, the Compeller, the Supreme. Glory be to Allah! (High is He) above all that they associate as partners with Him. He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor of all things, the Bestower of forms. To Him belong the Best Names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorify Him. And
He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.[Al-Qur'an, 59: 22-24]
Tau'bah (Repentance):

Depression is caused by displeasing Almighty Allah. When a person transgresses the Laws of Allah, he/she is inflicted with various types of harms such as depression. It is for this reason Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said Who ever makes Istighfaar in abundance, Allah will
make a way out for him from every difficulty, free him from depression and anxiety and Allah will grant him sustenance from avenues he will not imagine.

'Why should Allah punish you if you have thanked (Him) and have believed in Him. And Allah is Ever All Appreciative (of good), All Knowing.'
[An-Nisa 147]

Here is an excellent article on "Tawba & Istaghfaar ' Repentance and seeking forgiveness"

Therefore, the depressed person should repent for the past and turn his/her attention to Allah. Focus on pleasing Allah by fulfilling all His commands and He will grant you ease, peace and satisfaction of the heart, mind and soul. In the Zikr (obedience) of Allah is complete tranquility
and peace. Allah is the controller of all situations. If a person is in any difficulty

And Allah knows best.

Ask Alimah Team

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