
I recently started wearing hijaab. I wanted to know how can I perform proper wudu before Salah, as I am with hijaab and have to use a common washroom at work. How can I remove my veil for wudu?


May Allah bless you with piety (Taqwa) and purity, strong Imaan, forgiveness of sins, have mercy on you, elevate your status, and bless you with knowledge of Deen and generosity. Ameen!

We congratulate you on your observing hijaab. May Allah grant you strength to stay steadfast on Islam. While doing wudu, wash the parts as you normally would, then bring your hijaab a little forward, that way your face is not exposed and you are able to remove your veil. Wash your face and then when it is time to do masah, put your hands under your hijaab and do masah and quickly put your veil back on, then complete the remaining steps of wudu.

And Allah knows best.

Ask Alimah Team

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